
FramAT is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), and it can be installed using the Python package installer pip. If your have pip installed, you can open a terminal and run:

pip install --user framat

For a system-wide installation you can omit the --user flag. However, this may require administrator privileges on your system. To update an existing FramAT installation, run:

pip install --user --upgrade framat


Python requirements: FramAT requires Python 3.6 or later. Make sure that you use a correct version of Python. To check your Python version, open a terminal and type python --version.


On some systems the python command still calls a Python 2 interpreter. In this case try python3 instead.


Using pip: On some systems the pip command still calls a Python 2 package manager. In this case try pip3 instead.

pip3 install --user framat

See also

For more information about pip, see: